Monday, April 2, 2012

WATCH COMMAND LOG, Sunday, April 2., 2012

The Watch Command Log is a daily summary of events of significance compiled by Watch Commanders. There are three watches in a 24-hour period: days, afternoons and graveyards. Items contained in the Watch Command Log are based on information available at the time of its release and should not be interpreted as an admission or finding of guilt. Arrest information may differ from formal charges filed by the prosecuting agency.


No Significant Events.


1509   BB Gun Assault   1478 S. 400 E.   12-59310

An 18-year-old suspect was visiting his 16-year-old girlfriend and their infant. A dispute began between the suspect and his girlfriend’s father. The boyfriend pulled out a BB gun and discharged a BB at the girlfriend’s father hip causing minor injuries. The suspect then exited the house and discharged two more BBs through the front window before fleeing the scene.


No Significant Events.

Contact: Reporters seeking comment should contact the Public Information Officer at 801.799.NEWS (6397).
