Friday, May 7, 2010

Chief Burbank Clarifies Statement on Public Camping Citations

Salt Lake City Police Chief Chris Burbank has suspended enforcement of city codes pertaining to camping in public parks until a review is completed.

“There are several codes under which officers may enforce against sleeping or camping in public parks and spaces and yesterday we reviewed only one of them,” said Burbank.

The code reviewed yesterday was 15.08.080, “Camping.” However, the following codes also apply and show multiple citations:
• 14.020.100, “Loitering on the sidewalk”
• 14.28.060, “Camping and related activities prohibited”
• 11.12.080, “Camping and sleeping on public grounds”
• 5.86.054, “Automobile trailer courts; license required”

“Concerns expressed in media reports are valid, and I’ve started a review of past citations to determine whether they were appropriate and how to proceed in the future in order to ensure that all members of our community are treated with the dignity they deserve,” Burbank concluded.