Monday, September 20, 2010

City, State and Regional Stakeholders Gather to Kick-Off Evac Plan Tomorrow

Herriman fire emphasizes need

Stakeholders from across the Salt Lake Valley will gather tomorrow morning to launch the Salt Lake Valley Venue Evacuation Plan, which has been given added emphasis with the fire in Herriman.

“Disasters may occur at any time. Reuniting families, returning workers to their homes are issues for which both the public and private sector must prepare, and this event starts that shared process,” said Chris Burbank, Salt Lake City Chief of Police and president of the Valley Police Alliance, the group sponsoring the planning effort.

Lt. Gov. Greg Bell, Salt Lake City Mayor Ralph Becker, Burbank and FEMA Region VIII Administrator Robin Finegan will address the group of city mayors and managers, governmental agencies, private sector businesses and volunteer agencies. Over the coming months, the group will begin a collaborative planning process to ensure rapid response, as well as mitigate long-term economic damage and disruption in the event of a man-made or natural disaster.

Media outlets are invited to attend the event.

Lt. Gov. Greg Bell
SLC Mayor Ralph Becker
SLC Police Chief Chris Burbank
FEMA Region VIII Administrator Robin Finegan
City mayors/managers, government agencies, private businesses and volunteer agencies

Salt Lake Valley Venue Evacuation Plan Kick-Off

Tuesday, September 21, 2010
8 a.m.

Founders Room, 18th Floor
Zions Bank Building
One South Main Street
SLC, UT 84111

Note: Parking is available in the Joseph Smith Memorial Building across street.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

In Memoriam: Sgt. James E. Faraone

Killed in the line of duty Sept. 18, 2001

The Salt Lake City Police Department today remembers the loss of one its own: Sergeant James E. Faraone, killed in the line of duty Sept. 18, 2001.

Sergeant Faraone was killed in a traffic crash on Interstate 80. Shortly after 2:30 p.m., the 48-year-old victim encountered a disabled vehicle in the middle of the eastbound lanes at approximately 3800 West. He parked his unmarked police vehicle behind the disabled vehicle and activated his red-and-blue strobe lights.

Sergeant Faraone was seated inside his vehicle when it was struck from behind by a pickup traveling at a high rate of speed. Although wearing his seatbelt, the victim died almost instantly due to massive chest trauma.

Buried at Wasatch Lawn Memorial Park, Sergeant Faraone is survived by his wife and two children.

If you have memories to share about Sergeant Faraone, please email or call (801) 799-3340. To learn more about our Fallen Officers, visit Click on Honoring Our Own.

The Police Department wishes to thank the Utah Law Enforcement Memorial for its assistance in this remembrance.

Missing Man Found

Russell Holmes was found earlier today.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Man Missing Since Walking Away from Outing at State Fair

The Salt Lake City Police Department is searching for Russell Holmes, a 45-year-old man who walked away from his group while on an outing at the Utah State Fair yesterday.

Holmes has brown hair and brown eyes, a moustache and partial beard. He is 5 feet 11 inches tall and weighs approximately 145 pounds.

Holmes was last seen wearing a black knit shirt with dark green baggy pants and black or brown shoes.

Holmes is at high risk medically – he requires medication on a daily basis for his condition. Without these medications, he is at risk for severe illness and even death.

The Police Department asks anyone who sees Holmes to call (801) 799-3000 or their local law enforcement agency.

Officers Locate Wilfredo Reyes, Reunite Him With Family

Officers have located Wilfredo Reyes, who was reported missing earlier today.

Reyes was in good health and has since been reunited with his family.

Missing Adult Suffers from Alzheimer's

The Salt Lake City Police Department is searching for Wilfredo Reyes, 78, who has been missing since noon today.

Reyes suffers from Alzheimer’s and requires medication that he does not have with him. Although he has been in the country for 56 years, his medical condition has significantly limited his English language skills.

Officers have been searching for Reyes since family members contacted the Police Department at approximately 5 p.m. They continue their search at this hour and release a photo of Reyes in hopes the public may help locate him.

Reyes was last seen wearing a green long-sleeved shirt with white dots, khaki pants and black shoes. He was at a bus stop on 900 East and 2700 South with his wife at approximately noon today. Seeking a restroom, Reyes crossed the street to use one at Granite Bakery. While store employees remember seeing him leave, Reyes did not return to his wife at the bus stop.

The Police Department asks anyone who sees Reyes to call (801) 799-3000.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Police, Fire Departments Stack Cans for Utah Food Bank in Effort to CANcel Hunger

1 Disney On Ice ticket for every 10 cans of food donated by public

The Salt Lake City Police and Fire Departments will face off in a Utah Food Bank CANCAN event, competing against each other in building objects in timed events while working with the public to CANcel hunger.

Starting at 11 a.m. Monday, Sept. 27, the first 600 people to donate 10 cans of food at the Utah Food Bank, 3150 S. 900 W., will receive a free pass to the opening night performance of Disney On Ice presents Mickey & Minnie’s Magical Journey on Thursday, Nov. 11, at the Energy Solutions Arena. There will be a limit of one ticket per adult, and each donor must be present with 10 cans of food in order to receive a free pass.

All food donated through the Disney On Ice Food Drive will benefit individuals and families in need throughout the entire state of Utah.

The Police-Fire CANCAN event marks the fifth time Disney On Ice has teamed up with the Salt Lake City Police Department and the 12th time they have joined forces with Utah Food Bank to help in the collection of food for Utah communities.


SLC Police and Fire Departments
Disney On Ice
Utah Food Bank


Disney on Ice Food Drive


Monday, Sept. 27, 2010
11 a.m.


Utah Food Bank
3150 S. 900 W.
SLC, UT 84119